Extinct Animals Found Alive 2017

Some of the most famous extinct animals of recent times have been birds--but for every Passenger Pigeon or Dodo theres a much bigger and much lesser-known casualties like the Elephant Bird or the Eastern Moa and many other species remain endangered to this day.
Extinct animals found alive 2017. The last known member of this species was captured in 1933 and eventually died in a zoo. However its extinction was due to other factors. The speedy mouse-sized beast can run at speeds of up to 30kmh and was caught in the very first of 1259 traps set in 12 locations by researchers searching for the missing sengi.
A paper published last year argues the parasite has gone extinct. Researchers from the GWCs Search for Lost Species program found a population of the tiny animals in Djibouti the first found since 1968. The last sighting of the species was in 1986.
The Tasmanian tiger a carnivorous marsupial that looks like a species of dog is supposedly extinct. 22 species were also recorded whose presence in Honduras had previously been unknown including the endangered Great Green Macaw and a livebearing fish that scientists have only now discovered. Tasmanian Tiger May Still Exist.
The scientist intended on bringing the specimen home for closer analysis but the creature went down in a shipwreck off the Cape of Good Hope less than a year later. It is one of the extinct animals. These animals once believed to be extinct.
But a taxidermied specimen from 1989 proves that they were around much longer than anybody thought. Eastern quolls were thought to have gone extinct on the Australian mainland more than 50 years ago. Nonetheless researchers say recent studies show that Pygmy Right Whale qualifies as a living fossil because most of its family lineage went extinct millions of years ago.
A team of herpetologists recently announced the discovery of a lifetimefour Albany adders alive and well. DNA evidence suggests that the New Guinea highland wild dog is among the most primitive canines alive today and it may be a key ancestor of domesticated dogs. The baiji were declared extinct in 2006.