Puppy Socialization Checklist App

Growl, nip, bark, struggle (for handling), or lunge.
Puppy socialization checklist app. The pupstanding app's interactive checklist has 100 things to introduce to your puppy over the next 100 days. Make time to play and interact with him after he’s taken care of business. Treat puppy for seeing new people, dogs, vehicles, and other stimuli at a distance.
We've created this interactive checklist to help you work through the many experiences that should be included in your puppy's socialization. Invite a couple friends or family members to come over wearing weird and bizarre costumes. People wearing white scrubs (positive exposure for future vet visits.).
This is so he learns to like people and dogs and. Phone noises (different app notifications, etc) sirens *if you can’t get around these sounds frequently enough or at a level where your dog can have a positive experience, play videos on the internet starting across your. Bring out the pots and pans in the kitchen and set some on the floor.
The most important part of this section is socialization to other dogs depending on their personality and breed your puppy should be socialized to anywhere between 50 and 150 dogs before they reach 16 weeks of age, easygoing breeds can get away with less and high energy rates over exuberant breed. So you have a puppy and you’ve been told it’s extremely important, vital even, that your puppy be “socialized” with other people, dogs, things, sights, sounds, etc. Go on field trips to safe, new outdoor environments at least twice a week.
Puppies need lots of socialization to become stable adults. Take the puppy out to relieve himself. Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of it all!
Practice recalls during playtime, and grab puppy’s collar while giving them a treat (if they get loose and a neighbor grabs them, they’re less likely to balk) basically touch your puppy everywhere so they have no sense of privacy (obviously use this tip with discretion, but strangers will touch a sd at random and do sneaky drive by pettings. Your goal with each item/person/sound/etc. Socializing your puppy helps prevent problem behaviors lack of early socialization can cause problem behavior issues such as: