Warrior Cats Characters Into The Wild

Rusty is a 6-month old kitten who has dreams of the forest.
Warrior cats characters into the wild. View source History Talk 0 This category is for characters in the book Into the Wild. Lionheart - magnificent golden tabby tom with thick fur like a lions mane. He has a soft friend named Smudge who never seems to long to do any exciting things.
If you have any questions just leave a comment either on my account page or in the studio and Ill try to get to it as soon as possible. Unbeknownst to the two young cats two warriors from ThunderClan are watching - Lionheart Graypaws. It was written by author Kate Cary.
Do you want to try me she growled. Rusty has been having strange dreams of himself hunting in the forest but he would always wake up before he actually caught any prey. By the way Graystripe is one of mah fav from the first series.
He magically tore into her shoulder crippling her with his lasers. Any time he spat. This category lists the characters from Into the Wild the first book of The Prophecies Begin.
Maybe its because there is less groveling to StarClan. However as he attacks his playmate he is flung into an angered Yellowfang who tells the kit off. Firepaw watches as a group of ThunderClan kits play as he grooms Yellowfang.
Enter the Wild a rewrite of the first book Into the Wild. Apprentice Ravenpaw Whitestorm - big white tom. Que epic intro music.